Homemade Vegan Kimchi
1 pc Sawi Putih
1 pc Lobak
5 pcs Daun Bawang
0,5 pc Wortel
2 sdm Tepung beras
11/3 cup kaldu sayur
9 pcs Bawang putih
1 pc Bawang Bombay
1 tsp Ginger
3 sdm Garam
1,5 sdm Gula
1 cup Gochujang
Potong sawi selera, sisihkan dalam 1 wadah
Potong kecil-kecil wortel, bawang daun, lobak, sisihkan dalam 1 wadah
Campurkan bumbu-bumbu & kaldu dalam blender sampai halus
Tuangkan bumbu halus ke potongan-potongan sayur
Setelah tercampur, masukan ke dalam stopless besar, tutup rapat, & diamkan selama dua hari, sampai berfermentasi.
Setelah 2 hari bisa menikmati Kimchi FRIED RICE.
The Recipe:
1 pc Chinese cabbage
1 pc turnip
5 pcs spring onion
1/2 pc carrot
2 tbsp rice flour
11/3 cups vegetable stock
9 pcs garlic
1 pc onion
1 tsp Ginger
3 tbsp salt
1,5 tbsp sugar
1 cup Gochujang
How To:
cut Chinese cabbage into small chunks, place in a bowl.
cut in small slices of carrot, spring onion, turnip, and place in the cabbage bowl.
Mix seasoning ingredients & vegetable stock, blend until smooth.
pour smooth seasoning into the vegetable bowl, mix well.
place them into a big jar, close it tight, & stored at room temperature for at least two days, until fermented.
After two days, you can eat the Kimchi as condiments or cook them into fried rice.