Pancake dari Kulit Pisang (Banana Peel Pancake)
2 kulit pisang
40 gr tepung singkong / terigu
1 butir telur ayam kampung
1 cangkir santan + air
1 sdt soda kue
1 sdm kismis
(opsional) gula + garam
Buah segar (irisan pisang, stroberi, & blueberry)
Madu atau sirup Maple
Bersihkan kulit pisang, cuci bersih, di kerok (supaya ga sepet) dan di potong2
Haluskan kulit pisang bersih dengan santan & air dalam blender
Tambahkan 40 gr tepung & baking soda, aduk rata
Tambahkan telur ayam kampung
Ditambahkan kismis (gula & garam, opsional) untuk menambah rasa
Buat pancake di wajan
Susun, beri irisan pisang segar, strawberry & blueberry.
Lumuri dengan madu sebelum disantap
The Recipe:
2 banana peels
40 gr flour
1 egg
1 cup coconut milk + water
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbs raisin
Sugar + salt (optional)
Slices of fresh fruits (banana, strawberry, or blueberry)
Honey or Maple syrup
How To:
Wash the peels and scrape the inside skin, and chop
Put into blender the peels, coconut milk, & water, blend untuk well mixed
Pour blended peels into the flour & baking soda in a bowl
Add egg, mix them well
Add raisin (sugar, salt) to add flavor
Scoop pancake batter into pan, cook then until light brown thoroughly
Stack them on the plate, add toppings and syrup
Enjoy your pancake