Bakso dari Kulit Pisang (Banana Peel Meatball)
200 gr kulit pisang yg sudah dikerok ari nya
1/4 cup tepung terigu
50 gr bawang bombay
40 gr bread crumbs/panko
75 gr jamur
1 pc bawang putih
1 pc telur ayam
1 sdt oregano
1/2 sdt garam
1/4 sdt nutmeg/pala
Olive oil secukupnya
Saus Krim (optional)
1 cup kacang mete yang sudah direndam selama 2-4 jam
1 cup air
2 sdm butter
1 sdm tepung terigu
1 sdm dijon mustard
1/2 sdt kecap Inggris
1 cup kaldu jamur (bisa dibuat dr 1 sdt bubuk kaldu + 1 cup air hangat)
Rebusan sayur (brokoli, kacang polong)
Tomat cherry & irisan paprika.
Kerok kulit pisang dari ari-arinya, supaya meatballs rasanya tidak sepet.
Kemudian iris kulit pisang sampai halus.
Tumis bawang bombay & garlic dengan olive oil dalam wajan.
Setelah bawang wangi & layu, masukan kulit pisang, jamur, & bumbu2.
Jika semua sudah tercampur, angkat dan dinginkan.
Jika sudah dingin, masukan telur, tepung, & bread crumbs.
Lalu, kita bentuk adonan kulit pisang menjadi bola-bola, kira-kira akan mendapatkan 9 pcs meatballs.
Kemudian panaskan di atas wajan dengan sedikit olive oil sampai sedikit kecoklatan, angkat & tiriskan.
Saus Krim:
Blender kacang mete & air sampai halus.
Panaskan butter di wajan sampai meleleh, tambahkan tepung, aduk.
Tambahkan dijon mustard, kecap Inggris, kaldu jamur, aduk.
Masukan mete yg sudah diblender, aduk sampai kental.
Setelah sedikit meletup, tambahkan merica & garam secukupnya, lalu angkat.
The Recipe:
200 gr banana peels (don’t forget to scrape them)
1/4 cup flour
50 gr onion
40 gr bread crumbs/panko
75 gr mushroom
1 clove garlic
1 pc egg
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Olive oil
Side Dish:
1 cup cashew nut, soaked for 2-4 hours
1 cup water
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp dijon mustard
1/2 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 cup mushroom broth (made from 1 tsp mushroom powder + 1 cup warm water)
cooked vegetable (broccoli, green peas)
cherry tomato & slices paprika.
How To:
Scrape the banana peel, hinder the bitter taste.
chopped them into almost smooth.
hot the pan with olive oil, then saute the onion & garlic.
Add banana peel, chopped mushroom, & spices.
Until they mix well, place them on a plate.
Until the heat is gone, add egg, flour, & bread crumbs.
continue by shaping the ingredients into balls, approx. 9 pcs.
heat the balls on the pan with drops of olive oil, until they are brownish, and place them on a plate.
plating with the side dish, and you can enjoy your banana peel balls.
Cream Sauce: (optional, you can paring with your preferred sauce)
Blend the cashew nuts with water until smooth.
Melt the butter on the pan, add flour, and mix well.
Add dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce, mushroom broth, and mix well.
Add blended cashew, mix until the ingredients are thick.
Add salt & pepper, the sauce is ready.